Work Experience

  • Summer Internship @ Caixa Mágica

    • Designed and developed a RESTful application in C# with secure user authentication and management, implementing best security practices to ensure data integrity and confidentiality.
    • Utilized Docker to containerize and streamline the deployment process, enabling easy scalability and efficient development workflows.
    • Skills: C#, Docker, Git
Jun. 23 - Aug. 23


  • Master’s degree, Computer Science & Engineering @ Instituto Superior Técnico

    • Note: Specialization in Cybersecurity and Distributed Systems
Sept. 22 - Nov. 24
  • Erasmus Traineeship (Master’s Thesis), Computer Science & Engineering @ Universitet i Oslo

    • Developed my Thesis: BestGC++: Optimizing Garbage Collection Selection Through Benchmarking focusing on improving Garbage Collector Selection in Java Environments to enhance application performance.
Feb. 24 - Jul 24
  • Bachelor’s degree, Computer Science & Engineering @ Instituto Superior Técnico

    • Note: Transitioned from mechanical engineering to Computer Science & Engineering in 2020
Sept. 19 - Jul 23


  • Website Development Project (BioDrive) for NEBIST, Núcleo de Engenharia Biológica do Instituto Superior Técnico

    • Designed and implemented the backend for BioDrive using Node.js, integrating FenixAPI and JWT for secure authentication and Google Drive API to enable seamless collaboration and efficient resource sharing among Bio-Engineering students.
    • Leveraged GitHub Actions to automate updates for BioDrive, ensuring reliable deployment workflows and minimizing maintenance overhead.
    • Skills: Node.js, Bootstrap, Git
Sept. 22 - Oct. 22
  • BestGC++

    • Developed a Web Application that selects the best Garbage Collector for a given Java application by profiling its execution.
    • Designed and implemented a live metrics dashboard to provide real-time insights into application performance, including Heap Usage, CPU utilization, and I/O metrics.
    • Skills: Java, Spring Boot, Javascript, Git
Fev. 24 - Jul. 24
  • BenchmarkGC

    • Designed and implemented a benchmarking tool to evaluate Java applications, collecting performance metrics and scoring all Java Garbage Collectors (GCs) based on execution time and GC pause duration.
    • Aggregated key Garbage Collector statistics, including pause count, total pause time, 90th percentile pause duration, and other metrics, providing users with actionable insights into application performance.
    • Skills: Python, Git
Fev. 24 - Jul. 24